
Protect Your Rental Properties in Daytona Beach, FL

As a landlord, you’re leaving your property in the hands of strangers. It’s important to protect yourself and your investments from the unpredictable, whether you’re renting out one property or hundreds. At Sherzer Insurance in Daytona Beach, FL, we specialize in helping our landlords with their insurance policies. Talk to one of our South Daytona, Florida based agents about getting the best coverage for your rental properties today.

What Is Landlord Insurance?

Standard homeowner’s insurance only provides limited coverage for rental properties, so landlord policies are necessary if you have additional properties you rent. Landlord insurance protects you from financial loss associated with natural disasters, along with unique losses that accompany bad renters, such as vandalism and theft. Policies typically cover the entire building, as well as any interior property you own, such as washers, dryers, and furniture.

Landlord Insurance Can Protect You From the Following

  • Fire
  • Storm
  • Explosion
  • Flood
  • Earthquake
  • Water damage
  • Malicious damage or theft by tenant
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